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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Day 9 - Golfing Day w00t!

So my first "day excursion" today, and woke up at 8am to go to Saigon to play golf with my uncle. Beautiful day and only flaw was that it was a bit too hot, but seriously blue sky and just the right amount of clouds for picture taking. My uncle picked me up at Admiralty in front of the Mcdonalds and I saw this newspaper... I didn't even know Metro was free all around the world.

Anyways, was about an hour drive to get to saigon, and then had to take a 20 minute boat ride to get to the course.

The sun is pretty ridiculous here, so slathered on a lot of sunscreen unlike my blog competitor Ben-Jamin. The scenery was absolutely breathtaking, better than anything i've ever seen in Canada or the States. I will however admit the grass is nicer back home but the view here was amazing. Here are just some pictures, but i'll put the rest up on Facebook.. but seriously, this is a must go for golfers.

Met this guy through my uncle... hes from Norway and is mad loaded... like... mad loaded. Super nice though. Kept saying I have a long drive. sigh if only I could make money off of it..

Beware of snakes... you dont really see that in canada.

Just breathtaking...

So after that, finally took a shower at the clubhouse where the shower wall wasn't in my face and i could actually stretch my limbs. Was a nice treat. On our way back saw this....

Asian women driver.... *cough*

Rest of the night was pretty low key. Went to dinner with poppa and visited grandma. She was pretty tired so pretty much sat next to her and watched her sleep for an hour. Need some rest for the rest of the trip... actually getting a slight cough, but i'll spartan through it.

Blue point oysters... For $1 HKD each.. LOL. i know dangerous but the place looked nice enough. We'll see how my stomach feels about it in a few days.

So, a side note is that i'm gonna try all the milk in HK cause i know it sucks here. The first carton I tried was actually not bad from the "ngau lai gong see." So this was a glass bottle which looked pretty baller so i bought it.
2/10.. Tasted like powder milk.. Freaking horrible. Never get this kind. What a waste of awesome packaging.

Alright Josh. This is a special post for you. I had to ask some old chinese dude to point me find this thing. I'm only getting you one cause its heavy enough as is and I have suitcase limit. In more shameless blog promotion, you must get me 3 different comments on this "posting" or else i'm going to eat it all myself. HAH.

Alright, not sure what i'm doing tomorrow but will keep y'all updated. (yes i did just jessica simpson you there)

Later Days.


  1. Might be because I don't really golf but the scenery>grass.

    Its nice to know that Asian women drivers are bad everywhere :P

    Fried dace is good but wats so special about it. Can't you get it here?

  2. huang has a long drive lolllll. You know you're in asia when.....

  3. dau see lang yuuuu! thanks grimey
    and @boondocks.. yes you can but its really really hard to find now because well i think it's packaged in poisonous china cans or something because it's now illegal to import this stuff
